Almost 2018

I have been in that bed before you.

If you try really hard

I bet you can still smell me.

I would lay on the side by the window.

He would wrap his arms around me

just like he wraps them around you.

He would pull me in


and hold me so tight

as if I was going to fall apart if let go.

You know exactly what I’m talking about.

We used to spend mornings

laying in bed, wondering what to do all day.

You probably do the same thing.

There was never anything to do

until one of us got hungry.

Where do you guys go out to eat?

I bet I could guess.

Can you picture us laughing?

Sitting across from each other

Better yet,

can you picture us yelling?

He used to get so mad at me

and that makes you mad

because how dare he care about someone

other than you.

But he did.

Hate and love

they’re both obsession.

Esanters December 2017

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